Thursday, July 10, 2008

Another Fabulous 4th of July in Catonsville!

I always tell people I meet "Catonsville owns 4th of July. The rest of the country just doesn't know it!" Every year this thought is renewed. From the games at the high school, to the concerts, parade and fireworks, I challenge, who does this holiday better than Catonsville?

When you are sitting on the curb for the parade (because you didn't have a chance to put out you chair last week), the crowd is shouting to all of their friends and neighbors participating in the one mile walk down Frederick Rd. The predicatability of the participants is also something, my kids look forward to seeing. They know they will see our neighbor in his historic car, the CHS steel drum Band and the Bumii Temple riders on the vehicles. Not to mention all the firetrucks! I am sure anticipating this one day a year is the reason people live on a busy street like Frederick Rd the other 364.

Not even the threat of showers could keep Catonsville from the fireworks. We don't know how spoiled we are to witness a fabulous 45 minute show. Last year, we went "down-ey Ocean hun" on July 5 (my kids refused to leave town for the 4th) and witnessed the rain date for Ocean City fireworks on the boardwalk. After the 15 minutes of display, the show was over and my family remarked "Was that it?" Few towns or cities can boast a fireworks event like ours which is funded and staged completely by volunteers. We should even marvel at the cooperation of the police to direct the same traffic patterns every year so you know exactly which route to use and how long it will take to get home .

The flags on every street, the snowball stop at the Candy Box, even the rain shower at 5pm each year as the end of the parade passes by, these are the tradition of Catonsville 4th of July that make this town special.

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