Monday, October 11, 2010

Homecoming Turns Kids into Classman.

We have survived another successful Homecoming Week at Catonsville High. From the outside it may seem a trivial event, but this is the ritual that transforms 8th graders into freshman, and freshman into upper classman. It begins the year long Farewell to the seniors.

Class color day unites kids from a variety of schools into one unit. The "2014" label finally makes sense. The pep rally rituals are a safe hazing of the under classman and a rite of passage for the upper classman as they progress from the grassy hillside seats to the grand bleachers looking down on the minions. The freshman are either very good sports or clueless, as the relay game rules are stacked against them, yet they are so happy to be at the party, they don't seem to mind. Even the taunts and shouts of the seniors, can't dampen their spirits for they remember just a few months ago in middle school none of this kayos would be possible.

School Color Day/Blue and Gold Day, emphasises the unity of one school. "No matter what we are one." When they arrive at the Homecoming Game, the red, green, and purple face paint has been washed away, replaced by a sea of Catonsville blue. The Catonsville blue also unites our community. We can all wear a C-ville T, to show our Catonsville pride.

Homecoming is a week long distraction, which may disrupt the daily routine of school lessons. There is drama over outfits, and hallways, and time lost to the pep rally. But Homecoming is truly about school spirit as it forms a bond to class and school and community that connects the generations of Catonsville graduates to this community.

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